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Verizon's anti-iPhone gets its first commercial: Droid Does

The iPhone will soon see a fresh challenge with the imminent launch of the Motorola Droid, and Verizon is set to market the phone with a series of anti-iPhone attack ads titled “Droid Does“.

The first ad rolled out tonight, directly picking on the iPhone’s most commonly-cited shortfalls: lack of a flash, no replaceable battery, lack of a physical keyboard and more. The counter on the DroidDoes site appears to count down to October 30th, according to BGR, meaning the iPhone could have some legitimate competition going into the holiday shopping season.

The Droid features a 5-megapixel camera (with a flash), runs Google Android 2.0, supports multi-tasking, includes both a physical keyboard and touch screen and (we think) isn’t the ugliest phone in the world either. The marketing campaign, meanwhile, hits Apple at its core: the company’s minimalist philosophy does away with extra features in favor of simplicity.

Could the Droid become the poster-child of great Android (Android) phones and a true challenger to the iPhone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Marvel Civil War 031 New Avengers 22

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Marvel Civil War 030 Fantastic Four 539

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Marvel Civil War 029 Cable and Deadpool 30

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Marvel Civil War 028 Black Panther v4 018

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Marvel Civil War 027 Amazing Spider-Man v2 534

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Marvel Civil War 026 Young Avengers and Runaways 1

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Marvel Civil War 025 Civil War X-Men 1

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Marvel Civil War 024 Civil War Frontline 04

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Marvel Civil War 023 Civil War Frontline 03

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Marvel Civil War 022 Civil War 3

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Marvel Civil War 021 X-factor v2 8

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Marvel Civil War 020 Wolverine 43

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Danielle Chiesi SCANDAL PHOTO!

(Click To Enlarge) Here is finally a picture of Danielle Chiesi of New Castle Partners arrested today. Danielle Chieisi with Mark Kurland of New Castle Partners were among six persons arrested in a massive alleged insider trading case covered extensively all day long on LALATE.

Wearing a white sweater and black jacket, Chiesi has a grim face. In fact, wire taps reported earlier on LALATE and further below have Chiesi stating what she believes she did not want to become.

Cheisi is reportedly recorded on wire taps says :”I swear to you in front of God … You put me in jail if you talk.” Later she adds: “I’m dead if this leaks. I really am … and my career is over. I’ll be like Martha (expletive) Stewart.”

Chiesi is heard elsewhere on wire taps with billionaire Galleon Group Hedge Fund founder Raj Rajaratnam with an Akami executive in the following exchange

Akami executivee: “Danielle, I have a major present for you.”

She asks what.

Akamai executive: “Information”.

Chiesi: “Well that, that is a great present.”

Chiesi: “Akamai…. I’m trading it tomorrow.. They’re gonna guide down. I just got a call from my guy … I was talking about the family and everything, and then he said people think it’s gonna go to 25 (dollars per share). They print on Wednesday.”

Rajaratnam: “You got a few more days, Friday, Monday …”

Chiesi: “Just keep shorting every day. We got a lot of days.”

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Marvel Civil War 019 Thunderbolts v3 103

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Marvel Civil War 018 New Avengers 21

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Marvel Civil War 017 Fantastic Four 538

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Marvel Civil War 016 Amazing Spider-Man v2 533

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Marvel Civil War 015 Civil War Frontline 02

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Marvel Civil War 014 Civil War Frontline 01

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Marvel Civil War 013 Civil War 2

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Marvel Civil War 012 Wolverine 42

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Marvel Civil War 011 She-Hulk v2 08

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Marvel Civil War 010 Amazing Spider-Man v2 532

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Marvel Civil War 009 Marvel Spotlight Mark Millar and Steve McNiven

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Marvel Civil War 008 Civil War 1

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Meghan Mccain Breast

Meghan Mccain BreastEveryone remember when Jessica Valenti was roundly lambasted by, among others, Ann Althouse, for the dreaded offense of possession of mammary glands? Basically, Valenti was in a group picture, and she her pose apparently wasn't sufficiently chaste given the size of her cups for some internet denizens (from my perspective, she was just standing there. But what do I know?).

Now, it's Meghan McCain receiving a dose of this medicine. Ms. McCain posted a picture to her twitter account about her lazy night in -- reading a book and dressed in (gasp!) a tank-top! Which revealed (smelling salts, please) cleavage! After what CNN described as a "string of negative responses", McCain wrote dryly: "When I am alone in my apartment, I wear tank tops and sweat pants, I had no idea this makes me a slut."

McCain apparently has apologized, and I believe this whole thing has caused her to take down her twitter account entirely. It's a shame she felt compelled to apologize, and it's a shame she felt compelled to take down her account. People need to get a grip. Women have breasts. Some are large, some are small, but this idea that a) possessing them and b) not shrouding them in veils and mystery (or even standing the wrong way, in Ms. Valenti's case) is some sort of grave moral offense is just a ridiculous manifestation of contemporary sexism (and immaturity).

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Marvel Civil War 006 Civil War Opening Shot Sketchbook

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Marvel Civil War 007 Fantastic Four 537

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Marvel Civil War 005 Amazing Spider-Man v2 531

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Marvel Civil War 004 The New Avengers Illuminati

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Marvel Civil War 003 Fantastic Four 536

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Marvel Civil War 002 Amazing Spider-Man v2 530

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Marvel Civil War 001 Amazing Spider-Man v2 529

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Marvel Civil War 000 Daily Bugle Wednesday July 19 2006

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Awakening 02

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Avengers The Initiative 05 World War Hulk

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Avengers Classic 05

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Avengers Classic 04

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Pop That Zit

So today Tyra Banks had a segment on her show called Grossest People in America and wow!! That's quite the understatement! There were toenail clipping eaters, booger connoisseurs, and a man who runs the nastiest website on the Internet. It's called popthatzit and it's been known to tickle one's gag reflex, or maybe just mine.

Creator Chris Azzari appeared on the show to share a few video clips from his unique (not to mention gut-churning) website which grossed out the audience more than the chick who enjoyed snacking on her own snots.

Azzari's site provides its zit junkies with 47 different categories of interest, including back zits, armpit zits, abscess drainage, and something called ganglion cysts. I don't even know what that is and it still made my stomach turn. Within these categories, the site has over 1000 videos of some hard-core popping action.

Since popthatzit has spent most of the day in the top 10 searches on Google Trends and the fact that I've been seeing more and more of these videos popping up on Facebook, I'm guessing a lot of people are into this zit business.

Now I'm not saying that I've never gone at it on one of my own pesky pimples, but watching others do it is a bit much for me. It compares to what I like to call an "unknown fart."

You're sitting at home and your friend farts and it smells and you have a good laugh- okay. You're sitting on the bus on your way to work and a strong whiff of fart swings past you and settles in your nostrils. You don't know where it came from- you, my friend, have just been hit with an "unknown fart." And a stranger's fart always smells worse!

So no, I'm not into watching other people's pimples burst onto my computer screen, but feel free to check the website out for yourself!

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Bruce Wasserstein Dies

Bruce Wasserstein, the Wall Street investment banker who helped pioneer the hostile takeover in the 1980s and reshaped the mergers and acquisitions business into a high art, died Wednesday.

Mr. Wasserstein, 61, was the chairman and chief executive of Lazard. The cause of death could not be immediately learned, though he had been hospitalized earlier this week for what was described as an irregular heartbeat. The company had described his condition then as serious, but said he was “stable and recovering.”

Mr. Wasserstein, who began his career as a lawyer but quickly moved into investment banking, worked on some of the biggest deals of the past three decades, including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts’s takeover of RJR Nabisco.

Mr. Wasserstein rarely looked like a stereotypical investment banker, preferring a rumpled look, his shirt often untucked. But he transformed deal-making from a business built on relationships, as practiced by forebears like Andre Meyer and Felix G. Rohatyn of Lazard, into one more akin to war, built on complex tactics and armies of bankers and lawyers.

To Mr. Wasserstein, deal-making was a chess game, one ripe for complex strategies — that often came at high cost. Never one to easily lose a deal, he often urged clients to reach deep into their pocketbooks to win, often stroking their egos with what became known as his “Dare to be Great” speech. (Critics bestowed upon him a sobriquet he detested: “Bid-‘em Up Bruce.”)

“He was a great tactician,” Mr. Rohatyn said Wednesday. “He frightened people. That’s why they called him ’Bid-‘em Up Bruce.’”

Mr. Wasserstein was never afraid to speak his mind. After working on a three-way takover battle for City Service involving Gulf Oil and the corporate raider Boone Pickens, he said: “There are ten people in the world who know how to do these kinds of deals. And Boone Pickens isn’t one of them.”

Bruce Wasserstein was born Dec. 25, 1947, in Brooklyn. Even in his youth, Mr. Wasserstein was known for his precocity. One of his sisters, the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein (who died of lymphoma in 2006), once remembered her hiking adventures with her brother.

”At the end of the trail, Bruce planted a stick, proclaiming it Bruceania,” she said. “It never occurred to me to claim the new world as Wendyania.”

He graduated from the University of Michigan at the age of 19, moving to Harvard Law School and the Harvard Business School, where he somewhat improbably served as one of Ralph Nader’s “Nader’s Raiders.” He later studied at Cambridge University in England as a Knox Fellow.

After graduation, he first began working at the law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore. But he soon left for the more lucrative world of banking, joining the nascent mergers and acquisitions department at First Boston.

Together with Joseph Perella, Mr. Wasserstein built the firm into a powerhouse deal shop. Many of the deals that symbolized the frenzy that was the 1980s Wall Street — Texaco’s acquisition of Getty Oil, ABC’s sale to Capital Cities — bore their fingerprints. (Mr. Rohatyn said he tried to lure Mr. Wasserstein and Mr. Perella to Lazard in the 1980s.)

But in 1988, after months of public feuding with First Boston, he and Mr. Perella left to set up their own shop, Wasserstein Perella & Company, taking many of their former colleagues and clients.

“When Bruce and Joe left First Boston, they and their colleagues came across Park Avenue to our office to continue working on a number of major deals,” said Martin Lipton, a partner at the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and another gray eminence of deal-making. “They were so busy that they overloaded our phone system so that they, and we, were out of business for several hours.”

It was there that Mr. Wasserstein advised on K.K.R.’s takeover of Nabisco, memorably recaptured in the book “Barbarians at the Gate.”

Though Mr. Perella left the boutique firm in the 1990s, Mr. Wasserstein stayed on and sold it to Dresdner Bank in 2000 for about $1.4 billion. Ever the inveterate deal-maker, much of those proceeds went to him.

In 2002, he was hired by Lazard’s Michel David-Weill, then the firm’s chairman, to run the investment bank he had long admired. Mr. Wasserstein, however, persuaded many of the firm’s deal-makers to support one of the biggest deals of his career: taking Lazard public and ending more than a century of private ownership. The move set off a bitter feud between the two men, one often played out in the press.

Soon after Lazard went public, Mr. Wasserstein embarked on another major deal, aiding Carl C. Icahn in trying to shake up AOL Time Warner, his former client. However, that effort ended quietly, with the company reaching a compromise with the gadfly investor.

Most recently, he has led the team advising Kraft in its potential takeover of Cadbury.

But Mr. Wasserstein had interests beyond the boardroom. In 2004, he made a surprise bid for New York magazine, defeating some of the city’s richest businessmen in the process. Years before, he purchased a passel of trade publications including The Deal, a trade publication aimed at deal-makers, and American Lawyer, one aimed at the legal field. He sold the magazine group to Incisive Media, a British publisher, in 2007 for $630 million.

Adam Moss, New York’s editor in chief, described Mr. Wasserstein as an unusual owner for the magazine.

“He had always been interested in journalism, an interest sharpened by being on the receiving end of it,” Mr. Moss said. “But he never used it to wield influence the way other powerful men would have, never tried to plant a story, never complained about anything we published.”

Mr. Wasserstein is survived by his wife, Angela Chao, and seven children. He adopted the daughter of his late sister Wendy. He has been divorced three times.

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