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[Biweekly Update] AWS Online Tech Talks

Live online technical sessions led by AWS experts.
AWS Monthly Webinar Series

AWS Tech Talks are a selection of live online presentations that cover a broad range of topics at varying technical levels. These webinars feature technical sessions led by AWS solutions architects and engineers, live demonstrations, customer examples, and Q&A with AWS experts.

Featured Sessions


Running Rendering Workloads on AWS with Deadline: Learn how to set up Deadline and start rendering in AWS with just a few clicks to set up large scale distributed render jobs.


Remove Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting from Jenkins with AWS CodeBuild: Learn how AWS CodeBuild can integrate with Jenkins to help scale your continuous integration environment easily.


Build Engaging Applications with Salesforce Heroku and AWS: Learn how Salesforce Heroku can help you reduce infrastructure overhead and more easily build engaging applications on AWS.

Management Tools

Are you Well-Architected?: Learn about AWS architectural best practices so you can measure and improve your AWS workloads against best practices for security, reliability, cost, performance, and operations.


Hybrid Web/Native Mobile Applications with Mobile Hub: Learn the differences and respective advantages of native and hybrid web/native mobile applications.


Build Regulated Workloads on the Cloud with AWS and APN Partners: Discover how these organizations are taking advantage of the auditability, transparency, and consistency of the cloud to implement quality controls for regulated systems.

Build HIPAA Eligible Solutions with AWS and APN Healthcare Partners: Learn how AWS HIPAA Eligible Services can help you build secure workloads to handle PHI in compliance with HIPAA and HITRUST standards.


Reserved Seating and Mobile App at AWS re:Invent 2017: Learn how reserve seating has changed this year and how to use the mobile app to both reserve your seat and navigate re:Invent 2017.

  • Session 1October 09 | 10:30 AM - 11:10 AM PT | 01:30 PM - 02:10 PM ET
  • Session 2 - October 09 | 05:00 PM - 05:40 PM PT | 08:00 PM - 08:40 PM ET

Register for AWS re:Invent 2017

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