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Don't miss AWS re:Invent 2016 - register for the Live Stream!

Even though AWS re:Invent is sold out, you can still get the latest news and announcements by viewing our live stream.

Don't miss AWS re:Invent 2016 - sign up for the Live Stream!

This year's AWS re:Invent is sold out, but you can still get the latest news and announcements by signing up to view our live stream. This year we'll be streaming the keynotes as well as Tuesday night live with James Hamilton. Save your spot today.

Register for the Live Stream »

Live Stream Agenda:

Tuesday night live with James Hamilton
Date: Tuesday, November 29
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm

Keynote presented by Andy Jassy
Date: Wednesday, November 30
Time: 8:00am - 10:30am

Keynote presented by Werner Vogels
Date: Thursday, December 1
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am

**Please note that the live stream will be presented in English with audio translations in Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin Chinese only.

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Best regards,

The AWS re:Invent Team

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