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Descubra como Instâncias Spot ajudam clientes a reduzir seus custos no nosso webinar!

Controle e Otimização de Custos utilizando Instancias Spot

Você quer saber mais sobre casos reais em que o Spot está sendo usado na América Latina e como isso ajudou os clientes a reduzir seus custos? Já considerou utilizar instâncias Spot em suas cargas de trabalho? Quando você faz uma oferta por uma instância Spot, você paga o valor do lance ou o preço do mercado à vista?

Spot pode ser uma ferramenta muito útil para os clientes que procuram obter o melhor retorno para seu investimento na nuvem. No entanto, muitos clientes ainda se sentem inseguros ao testar este modelo de preços devido à imprevisibilidade de perder instâncias e complexidades em torno do processo de licitação.40px-space

Junte-se a nós para esta sessão especial, onde iremos abordar os aspectos econômicos em torno do Spot, estratégias de lances e referências de arquitetura para você usar o seu ambiente. Inscreva-se grátis!

Participação especial: o Spotinst, o parceiro da AWS com um sólido Contexto da Devops que desenvolveu uma solução de Machine Learning que pode prever variações no mercado real-time e ajudar os clientes a licitar automaticamente a instância mais barata disponível e trocá-la sempre que necessário.



  • 10:00 to 10:15 - Spot 101 (Arthur Basbaum)
  • 10:15 to 10:30 - Casos de Sucesso e Exemplos práticos (Claudia Charro)
  • 10:30 to 10:50 - Spotinst Demo (Spotinst team)

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[Last Chance] AWS Online Tech Talks

Live online technical sessions led by AWS experts.
AWS Monthly Webinar Series

AWS Tech Talks are a selection of live online presentations that cover a broad range of topics at varying technical levels. These webinars feature technical sessions led by AWS solutions architects and engineers, live demonstrations, customer examples, and Q&A with AWS experts.

Featured Sessions

Artificial Intelligence

Integrate Your Amazon Lex Chatbot with Any Messaging Service: Learn how to integrate your Amazon Lex Chatbot with any messaging service using Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway.

Using Jupyter Notebooks to Run Deep Learning Algorithms: Learn how Jupyter Notebooks can be securely accessed by creating a ssh tunnel between the client device and the instance.


Building a Python Serverless Application with AWS Chalice: Learn how to build serverless apps with Python from the lead developer of AWS Chalice.

How to Deploy .NET Code to AWS from Within Visual Studio: Learn how to build .NET native and cross-platform applications using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, AWS CodeStar, and AWS CodeBuild.


Migrating Microsoft Applications to AWS: Learn how to successfully migrate your Microsoft applications to AWS.

Hands On Lab

Hands on Lab - Windows Workloads: Get hands on training and learn how to get started running Windows workloads on AWS.


Developing Applications with the IoT Button: Join us for an overview of how to develop simple applications in the cloud activated by a click of a button.

Security & Identity

Best Practices for Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles: Learn how to use roles in your AWS accounts effectively by walking through common use cases.

How Hatco Protects Against Ransomware with Druva on AWS: Learn how to reduce ransomware risks now, while proactively preparing a response for the future.


Deep Dive on Amazon Elastic Block Store: Join us for a deep dive on Amazon EBS. We'll demonstrate & teach you how to increase capacity, tune performance, and modify types with Elastic Volumes.

Visualizing Amazon S3 Storage Management with Quicksight: Join us to learn how to use the new Amazon S3 Storage Management features to identify and visualize cost savings opportunities, manage your data across S3 buckets based on custom metadata tags, and streamline S3 inventory reporting.

How Globe Telecom does Primary Backups via StorReduce to the AWS Cloud: Join StorReduce, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Globe Telecom to gain a deep understanding of how Globe Telecom was able to save up to 80% on primary backup costs.

Moving Forward Faster - How Monash University Automated Data Movement for 3500 Virtual Machines to AWS with Commvault: Learn how Commvault software's flexible, comprehensive feature set for AWS can help you move, manage and use your data when and where you need it.

AWS Enterprise Data Protection Done Right with Dell EMC: Dell EMC's unique cloud optimized data protection architecture provided superior performance and scalability at the lowest total cost of ownership.

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