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Meet AWS Engineers & our Partners at the AWS Summit – São Paulo

AWS Summit

Come to the AWS Summit – São Paulo on June 21 and experience The Expo. Find leading cloud technology providers and consultants, speak with AWS engineers and architects, plus network with your peers.


Be sure to: 

  • Visit the AWS booth to talk with our AWS experts and get your questions answered.
  • Talk to our AWS Partners, leading cloud technology providers and consultants, who can help you get the most out of AWS products, services, and solutions in the Cloud.
  • Attend 30 minute demonstrations led by AWS experts and our Partners.
  • Come to the AWS Developer Lounge ask questions of an AWS expert, listen to Dev Chats, and network with fellow developers.
  • Stop by AWS Startup Central to hear Lightning Talks delivered by other startups, and get access to startup experts for 1:1 questions.

Continue your learning by attending sessions ranging in technical depth from introductory to advance. Learn more

Seats are limited. Register today to join us in São Paulo on June 21.

The Amazon Web Services Team  

P.S. Can't make the São Paulo event? Check out our other AWS Summit locations. If you have questions, please contact us at AWS-Summit-Support@amazon.com

Global AWS Summit Sponsors:
Diamond Sponsor:


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