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Recent Announcements from AWS

A Weekly Review from AWS

What's New: A Weekly Review of the Latest Announcements from AWS
Amazon EC2 High Memory Instances are Now Available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region
Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster Using Amazon EKS with New Quick Start
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Now Supports Managed Updates, Immutable Deployments, and Enhanced Health Monitoring for Windows Server Platform V2
Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) Adds Support For Shorter Backup Intervals
Amazon EFS Now Supports Tag-on-Create
Performance Insights Now Supports Counter Metrics on Amazon RDS for MySQL, RDS for PostgreSQL, and Aurora MySQL
Amazon RDS for MySQL and MariaDB Now Support R5 Instance Types
Amazon RDS for MySQL and MariaDB Now Support T3 Instance Types
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) expands to the EU (Frankfurt) Region, and adds support for R4 instance types in the US West (N. California) Region
Developer Tools
AWS CodeCommit Supports Programmatic Creation of Commits Containing Multiple Files
Developer Tools
AWS CodeBuild Now Supports Local Caching
Management Tools
AWS Well-Architected Tool now supports architecture reviews for On-Premise and Hybrid Cloud workloads
AWS Shield Increases Default Resource Limits For Advanced Protection
Use Athena Workgroups to Separate Workloads Between Users or Applications, View Query Metrics, and Enforce Control Controls
Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Java Now Supports AWS CloudFormation
Customer Engagement
Amazon Connect Now Supports Additional Options When Transferring to External Phone Numbers
AWS IoT Device Tester is Now Available for Amazon FreeRTOS v1.4.5 and v1.4.6
AWS IoT Device Defender Now Provides Statistical Anomaly Detection and Data Visualization
AWS Partner Network
AWS Quick Starts for Atlassian products now auto-detect existing infrastructure
Announcing Updated Professional-Level AWS Certification Exams
Events & Webinars

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3 options to migrate and modernize SQL Server with AWS

Your ultimate guide to modernizing SQL server 2008.

Amazon Web Services

Your ultimate guide to modernizing SQL Server 2008

Are you ready for SQL 2008 End of Support? Find out why more and more customers trust their Windows and SQL Server workloads on AWS.


As you think about your approach to transition from legacy applications such as  SQL Server 2008, it’s important to plan for the next ten years. With more experience than any other cloud provider in running Windows workloads in the cloud, we've created an eBook to help ease you through your migration journey.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • How to modernize your legacy applications, drive growth, and reduce costs
  • Common strategies on migrating SQL server workloads to the cloud
  • How AWS can help ease your migration path every step of the way
Get your copy >>

Ready to get started?  Get in touch with an AWS Cloud Consultant.


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