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[Important Notice] Data processing terms for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) available for review / acceptance

Dear Customer,
Over the past year we've shared how we are preparing to meet the requirements of the GDPR, the new data protection law coming into force on May 25, 2018. It affects European and non-European businesses using online advertising and measurement solutions when their sites and apps are accessed by users in the European Economic Area (EEA).
We would like to ensure you are aware of updated data processing terms and a new contact collection mechanism for your Google Analytics Suite Products (Standard and 360 versions). If you service users in the EEA (or are based in Switzerland, where our updated terms are also relevant), or are otherwise subject to the GDPR, please review and accept these terms and provide related contact information. If you do not service users in the EEA or are not based in Switzerland, you may disregard the rest of this email.
Step 1: Review and accept the updated data processing terms in each account for each product you manage in the Google Analytics Suite:
  • Google Analytics / Analytics 360: Admin > Account > Account Settings (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Optimize / Optimize 360: Edit Account Details > (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Tag Manager / Tag Manager 360: Account Settings > (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Attribution / Attribution 360: Admin > Account Settings > (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Data Studio: User Settings > Account and Privacy (acceptance managed on a user basis)
Additional information about accepting these terms:
  • All clients using 360 products, clients using Data Studio, and clients using standard versions of Tag Manager or Optimize whose accounts were created before March 12, 2018, can review and accept data processing terms in their account(s).
  • For clients based in the EEA or Switzerland, updated data processing terms have already been included in online terms for all Google Analytics and Attribution accounts and for Tag Manager and Optimize accounts created on or after March 12, 2018.
  • For clients based outside of the EEA or Switzerland, data processing terms can be reviewed and accepted in the UIs of each account.
  • Once you accept the new data processing terms, they'll supplement your current contract or Terms of Service and will take effect on May 25, 2018
  • If you contract through a Sales Partner for any 360 products within the Google Analytics Suite, you should seek advice from the parties with whom you contract.
  • If you are located in Germany, the Hamburg Data Protection Authority has been informed of these new data processing terms.
Step 2: Provide your legal entity and contact details for notifications we may need to send under the GDPR (e.g. subprocessor appointment):
  • For Analytics, Optimize, Tag Manager and Attribution, you can provide the contact details within Suite Home ( "Organization Settings" >"Data Processing Amendment - Details"). Learn more.
  • For Data Studio, the contact collection mechanism exists in Data Studio only (not in Suite Home) and is available at User Settings > Account and Privacy. Learn more.
Find Out More
You can refer to privacy.google.com/businesses to learn more about Google's data privacy policies and approach.
The Google Analytics Suite Team
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Important updates about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Dear Partner,
In August last year, we announced our commitment to comply with Europe's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Last month, we shared more about our GDPR policy, contract and product changes and today, we wanted to share new Help Center articles for DFP/AdX, AdMob, AdSense which provide more information on these changes. The articles cover:
  • Controller responsibilities
  • Consent support
  • Choice and control over ads personalisation
If you have any questions about this update, please don't hesitate to reach out to your account team or contact us through the Help Center.
The Google Team
Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google product or account.
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[Last Chance] AWS Online Tech Talks - April 2018

Live online technical sessions led by AWS experts.
AWS Monthly Webinar Series

AWS Tech Talks are a selection of live online presentations that cover a broad range of topics at varying technical levels. These webinars feature technical sessions led by AWS solutions architects and engineers, live demonstrations, customer examples, and Q&A with AWS experts.

Featured Sessions


Offline GraphQL Apps with AWS AppSync: Come learn how to enable real-time and offline data in your applications with GraphQL using AWS AppSync.


Best Practices for Running Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Amazon EMR: Learn about the best practices for scaling big data workloads as well as how to process, store, and analyze big data securely and cost effectively with Amazon EMR and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances.

How to Bring Microsoft Apps to AWS: Attend this webinar to learn more about how to save significant money by bringing your Microsoft workloads to AWS.

Deep Dive on Amazon EC2 Accelerated Computing: Are you interested in running ML/DL and HPC workloads in the cloud? Attend this webinar to get a technical deep dive on how AWS' GPU and FGPA-based compute services can help you to optimize and accelerate your ML/DL and HPC workloads in the cloud.

Security, Identity, & Compliance

Sigstr's Tale of Building Customer Trust and Winning Business through Security with Threat Stack on AWS: Understand what it takes to secure and grow a modern SaaS organization.

How to Enhance Your Application Security Strategy with F5 on AWS: Hear experts from F5 and AWS discuss how WAF solutions can help you better safeguard your data.

Amazon GuardDuty - Let's Attack My Account!: Amazon GuardDuty Test Drive - Practical steps on generating test findings.

Protect Your Game Servers from DDoS Attacks: Learn how to use the new AWS Shield Advanced for EC2 to protect your internet-facing game servers against network layer DDoS attacks and application layer attacks of all kinds.


Building Data Lakes That Cost Less and Deliver Results Faster: Learn how Amazon S3 Select and Amazon Glacier Select increase application performance by up to 400% and reduce total cost of ownership by extending your data lake into cost-effective archive storage.

Integrating On-Premises Vendors with AWS for Backup: Learn how to work with AWS and technology partners to build backup & restore solutions for your on-premises, hybrid, and cloud native environments.


Taking Serverless to the Edge: Learn how to run your code closer to your end users in a serverless fashion.


How to Easily and Securely Connect Devices to AWS IoT: Learn how to easily and securely connect devices to the cloud and reliably scale to billions of devices and trillions of messages with AWS IoT.

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