
Feb ’11: Getting Creative, Paint Effects Tips, and Meet Adam Forgione WEVA Award-Winner

terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

NewBlueFX Storyboard
  In this Issue: Product Spotlight: NewBlue Creative Effects (On Sale!)
  February 2011 Tips & Techniques: Paper Collage with Paint Effects
  Volume 4, Issue 2 Now Featuring: Adam Forgione, WEVA Award Winner
    Q&A: Updating Plugins For Maximum Compatibility
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Stand out with AMAZING Creative Plugins!
Product Spotlight: NewBlue Creative Effects
Stand out with AMAZING Creative Plugins!
Have you ever wondered how to get that dreamy look in a wedding video? Perhaps you've tried our Video Essentials, but if you're anything like us, sometimes you need that creative spark to broaden those artistic horizons.

That's when we turn to Paint Effects, Art Effects, and Light Effects.
Learn more
Tips & Techniques: Paper Collage with Paint Effects
Paint Effects In this video tutorial, Senior Editor for Digital Juice D. Eric Franks, helps us explore the powerful creative plugins including Cartoonr Plus and Collage available in NewBlue Paint Effects. Watch the tutorial.
View our library of video tutorials
Now Featuring: Adam Forgione, WEVA Award Winner
Now Featuring: Adam Forgione, WEVA Award Winner
At the last WEVA (Wedding and Event Videographer Association) conference, Adam Forgione got a workout. He was called to the stage NINE times to collect Creative Excellence Awards - more than any other filmmaker.
Read Adam's Story
Q&A: Updating Plugins For Maximum Compatibility
Q: I just upgraded to a new version of my NLE and I no longer see my plugins. How do I get them back?

A: If you're having trouble seeing our plugins in a new version of your NLE, you may need to reinstall the plugins. Read the full answer.
Check out our Support forum
Want to be featured in an upcoming "Now Featuring" column? We'd love to hear from you. Contact us and let us know how NewBlueFX is making your work stand above the crowd.
NEWBLUEFX NewBlue, Inc. is more than a plugin maker. We enable video enthusiasts and professionals alike to customize media and stand out in a crowd. Follow NewBlueFX

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Our goal is simple: To be competitively-priced, aesthetically fresh, and ridiculously easy to use. At NewBlue, we love technology. But more importantly, we adore the arts. On our team, you'll find musicians, filmmakers, artists and writers, all brought together by the desire to merge our passion for the creative with our talent for the technical. Our line of NewBlueFX plugins demonstrate this arts and technology merger and so will each of our products to come.
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