
May '11: Introducing 3D Transitions Unraveled, Cinema Works Entertainment Talks NewBlueFX, and More

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

NewBlue Storyboard May 2011
  In this Issue:
  Product Spotlight: 3D Transitions
  Tips & Techniques: Unraveling 3D Transitions
  Now Featuring: Cinema Works Entertainment
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NewBlue 3D Transition Plugins As Low As $4 Each (sold as a bundle)
Product Spotlight: 3D Transitions

Product Spotlight: 3D Transitions

NewBlueFX Plugins give you that extra special look – in a snap. Our 3D transitions are easy to apply, and let you boom, burst, twist, and fly between scenes. Take a peek at our 3D Transitions Spotlight to learn a little more about how 3D Transitions can help you. Learn more.

Tips & Techniques: Unraveling 3D Transitions
Tips & Techniques: Unraveling 3D Transitions

Resident Support Guru Marcus Johson takes us on an explosive tour of NewBlue 3D Transitions. Learn the basics and even how to create your very own transitions from scratch. View the tutorial.

New Featuring: Cinema Works Entertainment
Now Featuring: Cinema Works Entertainment

Jordan Presseault, Cinematographer and Editor for Cinema Works Entertainment (www.cinemaworks.ca), specializes in DSLR filmmaking. In this brief interview we learn more about Cinema Works, upcoming projects, how they use NewBlueFX, and more. Read more.

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Want to be featured in an upcoming "Now Featuring" column? We'd love to hear from you. Contact us and let us know how NewBlueFX is making your work stand above the crowd.

NEWBLUEFX NewBlue, Inc. is more than a plugin maker. We enable video enthusiasts and professionals alike to customize media and stand out in a crowd. Follow NewBlueFX

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Our goal is simple: To be competitively-priced, aesthetically fresh, and ridiculously easy to use. At NewBlue, we love technology. But more importantly, we adore the arts. On our team, you'll find musicians, filmmakers, artists and writers, all brought together by the desire to merge our passion for the creative with our talent for the technical. Our line of NewBlueFX plugins demonstrate this arts and technology merger and so will each of our products to come.
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